‘’A Tiger in the zoo’’

 ‘’A Tiger in the zoo’’


1.       Who wrote the poem ‘’A Tiger in the zoo’’?

-          Leslie Norris wrote the poem ‘’A tiger in the zoo’’.


2.       Where does the tiger stalk after being captured?

-          He stalks inside the cage after being captured.


3.       What is the emotion shown by the tiger?

-          The tiger shows the emotion of anger.

4.    Where should the tiger be lurking
-      The tiger should be lurking in shadow.

5.    What animal ‘he’ is going to prey?
-      He is going to prey for the plump deer.

6.    Who is being terrorized by the tiger?    
-      The tiger is terrorizing the village.

7.    When does he hear the last voice?
-      He hears the last voice at night.

8.    What is the last voice heard by the tiger?
-      The last voice he hears was the sound of patrolling.

9.    where does ‘he’ stare with his eyes?
-      He stares at the ‘brilliant stars’.

10. Give the rhyming of the following words.

-     Cage - Rage            Edge - Village

      Grass - Pass           Cars – Stars


 SHORT TYPE QUESTIONS                                                                              MARK-2/3

Q1. What would the tiger would have been doing if it were in his natural habitat?
       What would the tiger have done if he were in his natural habitat, the forest?

=   If the tiger would have been in his natural habitat I:e in the jungle he would have been                                                                                        
         lurking in the shadow and would have slid through the long grass near the water hole in order
         to hunt for the plump deer.

Q2. What is a water hole? Why should the tiger be lurking near it?

=      A water hole is a water body on the surface of the earth where animals comes to drink water.
         The tiger should be lurking near it in order to hunt the plump dear.

Q3.  Where did the tiger stalk? How is his behavior?

=      The tiger was stalking inside the cage. He was expressing his rage quietly.

Q4.   Why does the tiger express his rage quietly?

=       He was expressing his rage quietly as there is nothing much he can do from behind the bars now.
         He was no longer free as he was in the jungle.

Q5.   What does the poet think where the tiger should be?

=       According to the poet the tiger should be in the jungle, i:e in his natural habitat, lurking in the
          shadow of long grass near the water hole to hunt deer. He should also be on the edge of the
          jungle snarling around the house and terrorizing the villagers.

Q6.   Cite the reason of the tigers sliding through the long grass?

=    The reason behind the tiger sliding through the long grass is to hunt a plump deer which
         generally passes by the water hole.

Q7.   How does the tiger make its presence felt in the village?

=       He snarls around the houses at the edge of the jungle and by baring white fangs and

          claws he makes his presence felt in the village.

Q8.    Why the tiger ignoring the villagers?

=         The tiger ignores the villagers because he feels being a wild animal he has no affairs with the

Q9.    Who hears the last voice and of what?

=        The tiger hears the last voice. He hears the sound of patrolling cars at night.

Q10.   What is the common thing between the eyes of the tiger and the stars?

=          The common thing between the eyes of the tiger and the stars is that both are brilliant.

Q11.   ‘’ He stalks in his vivid stripes
             The few steps of his cage.
             On pads of velvet quiet
             In his quiet rage’’

         a. Name the poet of the poem?
         b. Who is he referred to here?
         c.  Where does the stalk?

=     a) The name of the poet is Leslie Norris.
       b) Here he refers to the tiger in the cage.
       c) He stalks inside the cage.






Q12.  ‘’He should be snarling around houses
            At the jungle edge
            Baring his white fangs and claws
           Terrorizing the village!

       a. Who is he referred to here?
       b. How does he terrify the villagers? 

=     a) ‘’He’’ here referred to the tiger.
        b) He snarls around the houses which are at the edge of the jungle.



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