Animals- Question-answers



Placid - Calm

Sweat and whine - Complain pitifully

Demented - Behaving in a crazy way, mad

Evince - Reveal the presence of a quality or feeling.


Q.1 Mention three things that humans do but animals don't.

  • Three things that humans do but animals don’t are-

  1. Humans sweat and whine about their conditions but animals don’t.

  2. Humans are running after material things, but animals don’t

  3. Humans kneel down to one another, but animals don’t

Q.2  Who is the writer of the poem, ‘Animals’?

Walt Whitman is the writer of the poem Animals.

Q.3 Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the alternative given in the brackets:

  1. They do not sweat and whine about their condition,

(sing loudly/complain in an annoying voice/ cry in joy)

  1. I wonder where they get those tokens

(feel happy/feel sorry/ feel very surprised)

  1. I think I could turn and live with the animals, they are so placid and self-contained. 

(angry /calm and self-contained/harmful)

  1. No one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things.

(feeling unhappy/ feeling displeased/ behaving crazily for being upset)

  1. ……….they are so placid and self-contained.

(irritated/ trouble some/ unruffeled)

  1. ………not one is demented with the mania. 

(mad/ dishonest/ displeased)

Q.4 why did the poet feels more at home with animals than with humans?

  • The poet feels more at home with the animals than with the humans as he found more of his basic nature within the animals which humans have lost in the race for civilization.

Q.5 how do the animals accept their condition?

  • The animals accept their condition without complaining about that, moreover, they do not spend sleepless nights thinking about their sins.

Q.6 Name the book from where the ‘Poem’ has been taken. 

  • The poem (Animals) has been taken from  ‘songs of myself’ in leaves of grass.

Q.7 What was the wish of the poet?

  • The poet wished to live with the animals.


Q.8 what are the qualities possessed by the animals?

  • The qualities possessed by the animals are-

  1. They are placid.

  2. They do not complain.

  3. They do not run after material things.

  4. They do not kneel to one another.

Q.9 What according to the poet do animals not do regarding their conditions?

  • According to the poet, the animals do not complain about their condition.

Q.10 For what do animals not demented?

  • Animals are not demented with the mania of owning things.

Q.11 What do the animals bring to the poet?

  • The animals bring tokens of the poet to the poet.

Q.12 What quality of the animals mesmerizes the poet?

  • The quality of being placid and self-contained mesmerizes the poet.

Q.13 how do the animals act about their condition and duty to god?

  • The animals do not sweat and whine about their condition. They do not discuss with others their duty to god.

Q.14 How are animals better than human beings?

  • Animals are better than human beings in many ways. They are very placid and self-contained, they do not run after materialistic possession. They do not commit sins and spent sleepless nights thinking about that, they can show their love effortlessly. Due to these reasons, we can say animals are better than human beings.


 The Hack Driver

Question and Answers

  1. Why was the lawyer sent to New Mullion? What does he first think about the place?

  • The lawyer was sent to New mullion to serve a summon to a man named Oliver Lutkinss.

He first thought New Mullion to be a Sweet and Simple country village.

  1. Who befriends him? Where does he take him?

  • A forty year old delivery man, who called himself Bill Murguson befriends him.

He claimed that he knew Oliver Lutkinss and would help him to find him, so he took the lawyer whereever Lutkins expected to be. He took the lawyer to Fritz’s shop where Lutkins played a lot of poker. Then he took him to Gustaf's barber shop and Gray’s barber shop and then to the pool room and finally to Lutkins mother’s firm house.

  1. What does he (Bill) say about Lutkins?

  • Bill told the lawyer that it is very hard to catch Lutkins and he owed a lot of money from many people including him. He played a lot of poker and he is very good at deceiving people.

  1. What does Bill say about Lutkins Mother?

  • Bill told the lawyer that Lutkins’ mother is a real terror. She is about nine feet tall and four feet thick and could talk a lot. He also assured the lawyer that Lutkins must have gone there to hide behind his mothers skirt as soon as he came to know that somebody was chasing him.

  1. Does the Narrator serve the summons that day?

  • No, as he couldn't find Lutkins that day so he was unable to serve the summon that day.

  1. Who is Lutkins?

  • The Hackdriver was Lutkins Himself. He pretended to be Bill Murguson to trick the lawyer to avoid the summons. 

Think about the text

  1. When the lawyer reached New Mullion, did ‘Bill’ know that he was looking for Lutkins ? When do you think ‘Bill’ came up with his plan for fooling the lawyer?

  • No, Bill did not know that the lawyer was looking for Lothkins.

When the lawyer told him that he was looking for a man called Oliver Luthkin, then Bill came up with the plan for fooling the lawyer.

  1. Lutkins openly takes the lawyer all over the village. How is that no one lets out the secret? (Hint : Notice that the hack driver asks the lawyer to keep out of sight behind him when they go into Fritz’s.) Can you find other such subtle ways in which Lutkins manipulates the tour?

  •  First of all nobody actually knows that the lawyer didn’t know Oliver Luthkin; moreover Bill has convinced the lawyer that Lutkin will run away if he knew someone is looking for him so the lawyer was always kept out of sight. The stories Bill fabricated in the journey made the lawyer believe that Oliver Lutkin was a different person and thus he manipulates the entire tour.

  1. Why do you think Lutkin’s neighbours were anxious to meet the lawyer?

  • Almost everyone in the village had seen the lawyer who had been made a fool by Luthkins. So when the lawyer came back the next day, the neighbour who missed the sight of the gulible man was anxious to meet the lawyer.

  1. After his first day’s experience with the hack driver the lawyer thinks of returning to New Mullion to practise law. Do you think he would have reconsidered this idea after his second visit?

  • No, absolutely not. After knowing how Lutkins had made a fool of him, he would never return to New Mullion to practise law.

  1. Do you think the lawyer was gullible? How could he have avoided being taken for a ride? 

  • Yes, the lawyer was gullible. He believed every word of what Oliver Lutkins said. He should have asked about Lutkins from other villagers. Instead, he depended completely on the hack driver.




  1. How did the invisible man first become visible?

The Invisible man (Griffin) first becomes visible after he slipped into a big London store for warmth. There he wore warm clothes and slept on a pile of quilts. The clothes made him visible to the assistants when the shop opened in the morning.

  1. Why he was wandering in the streets?

Though he was a brilliant scientist he was rather a lawless person, so his land owner disliked him and wanted Griffin to evict his place. In revenge, he set fire to the house. To escape, he removed his clothes, becoming invisible thus he become homeless and wandered the streets of London.

  1. Why does Mrs. Hall find the scientist eccentric?

Mrs. Hall found the scientist eccentric because he had an uncommon appearance and wanted nothing more than to be left alone..

  1. What curious episode occurs in the study?

Very early one morning a clergyman and his wife were awakened by noises coming from their study. Then they heard the sound of coins being taken from the desk there. However, when they entered the study, they did not find anybody there. This is strange because they had heard the sounds which indicated that someone was in the study. They searched all over the room and yet found no one, yey the desk has been opened and the money was taken, which was curious.

  1. What are the extraordinary things that happen in the inn?

At the inn, Mrs. Hall and her husband went to the scientist’s room on finding its door open. However, he was not seen in the room but Mrs, Hall heard a sniff, and the hat on the bedpost leaped up and dashed into her face. Then the bedroom chair sprang into the air and pushed them both out of the room. This made Mrs. Hall think that her furniture was haunted.

  1. “Griffin was rather a lawless person” comment.

On many occasions, Griffin broke the law, that too without any good reason. He set his landlord's house on fire because his landlord tried to evict him from his house. He then broke into a departmental and theatrical store to steal clothes. He also attacked the shopkeeper and stole the clergyman’s housekeeping money at Iping. And threatened the landlady of the inn by throwing furniture around. Thus Griffin was indeed a lawless person who took advantage of his invisibility and added to his crimes every day.

  1. How do you assess Griffin as a scientist?

Griffin was a brilliant scientist, as he discovered how to make oneself invisible, for this he had to carry out numerous experiments, which was indeed a very big achievement for a scientist.

  1. Are there forces around us that are invisible? For example magnetism? Are there aspects of the matter that are ‘invisible’ or not visible to the naked eye? What would the world be like if you could see such forces or such aspects of matter?

Magnetic forces electric forces, sound waves, etc are some of the examples of invisible forces around us. The atoms and molecules in the matter are so small that they are not visible to the naked eye. Though the idea of seeing invisible things can be very exciting., their visibility would create many problems. For example, if a you are able to see all the sounds around us that would be too irritating.

  1. What makes glass or water transparent (what is the scientific explanation for this)? Do you think it would be scientifically possible for a man to become invisible or transparent?

The way light behaves when passing through the glass and water makes the medium appears transparent.

Yes, i think it is scientifically possible for a man to become invisible or transparent because the way we see things depends on the properties of the object and light itself. So, if the light could be made to pass through man, he can become invisible.

  1. Who was Griffin? How did he become invisible? Why did Mrs.Hall find him eccentric?

Griffin was a scientist. He had carried out several experiments to prove that human body could become invisible.

He had swallowed certain rare drugs and his body become transparent as a sheet of glass. In this way he becomes invisible.

Mrs.Hall found Griffin eccentric because he had an uncommon appearance and wanted nothing more to be left alone.

  1. Give a description of Griffin's experience in Drury lane.


Describe Griffin's experience in the Drury lane.

After what had happened in big London store. He tries the stock of a theatrical company in the hope of finding not only clothes but also something that would hide the empty space above his shoulders. Shivering with cold he hurried to Drury lane, the center of the theatre world.

He soon found a suitable shop. He made his way invisible upstairs and come out a little later wearing a bandage around his forehead , dark glasses, a false nose, a big bushy side-whisker, and a large hat. To escape without being seen, callously attacked the shopkeeper from behind after which he robbed him of all the money he could.

  1. Why did Griffin become a homeless wanderer? Why did he slip into the big London store and what did he do there?

Though he was a brilliant scientist he was a lawless person. His landlord disliked him and wanted him to evict Griffin. In revenge, he set fire to the house. To escape, he removed his clothes and become homeless, and was wandering the streets and become a homeless wanderer.

As it was winter and Griffin was wandering clothless, he thought of going into a big London store instead walking about the streets for warmth.

As soon as the doors were shut Griffin was able to give himself the pleasure of clothing and feeding himself without regard to expense. He broke open the boxes and wrappers and fitted himself out with warm clothes, shoes, an overcoat, and a wide-brimmed hat. After that, he ate some cold meat and coffee and followed by sweets, after that he settled down to sleep on a pile of quilts.

  1. How and why did Grifin come to the village of iping ? Why does Mrs Hall find him eccentric.

London was too crowded for Griffin, so he was eager to get away from the crowded London, so he took a train to the village of Iping, where he booked two rooms at the local inn.

Mrs. Hall found the scientist eccentric because of his uncommon appearance.

While she tried every way possible to be friendly with the scientist, the scientist took no interest and told her that he wanted nothing more than to be left alone

The ball poem - Important questions

 The ball poem

  1. Who is the poet of the poem?

  • John Berryman is the poet of the poem ‘the ball poem’

  1. What has the boy lost in the water?

  • The boy has lost his ball in the water.

  1. Where did the ball land finally?

  • The ball finally landed in the water.

  1. Where was the boy staring down?

  • He was staring down in the water body where he had lost his ball.

  1. What was the reaction of the boy at the loss of his ball?

  • The boy was deeply shocked at the loss of his ball, he stood rigid, trembling, and staring down.

  1. What does ‘ in the world of possession’ means?

  • Here ‘ the world of possession’ means a place where every action and everything is made to possess something.

  1.  What lesson does the boy learn?

  • The boy learned that in the word of possession things will be lost, and people will take things, he also learned that money is external.

  1. Why are the boy’s eyes desperate?

  • The boy's eyes are desperate because he has just lost his ball and he knew that he is not going to get that back. He also senses his first responsibility.

Short type question

  1. What is the theme of the poem - ‘The Ball Poem’

  • The poem is about the grief of losing some valuable possession. It is also about growing and understanding one’s responsibility. This poem also highlights the point that money is external.

  1. Why does the poet say, ‘ balls will be lost always’

  • The poet says that balls will be lost because in the world of possession throughout our lives we will lose things or persons we love. The poet wanted to emphasize the fact that nothing is eternal.

  1. A ball is an easily available inexpensive thing, then why is the boy so sad? 

  • Though a ball is an easily available and inexpensive thing yet the boy was sad because no matter how much money he pay he knew he will not be able to get back the same ball again.

  1. What shows that the ball was valuable for the boy? 

  • When the boy realized his ball has been lost he went into shock and stood trembling looking down, this shows that the ball was valuable to the boy.

  1. ‘He senses first responsibility’- what responsibility is referred to here?

  • The little boy is learning the responsibility to keep himself moving even if loses some valuable things.

  1. Why did the poet not console the boy?

  • There might be two reasons for which the poet did not console the boy, firstly the boy was shocked by the loss and he was not ready to listen to anyone, secondly, he was trying to bear the grief by himself and understand the real meaning of loss.

  1. What was the effect of the loss of the ball on the boy?

  • The boy was shocked and griefed by the loss of the ball. He stood trembling, looking down where he had lost the ball.

  1. Why does the poet decide not to give money to the boy or buy another ball for him?

  • The poet does not offer the boy any money or another ball as the boy can never truly recover what he has lost. The poet wants the boy to learn about responsibility and to keep on moving forward even in the face of suffering and loss.

  1. Explain the line, “And no one buys a ball back. Money is external”

  • The line signifies that no one can buy you something that has been completely lost. Money is external means it works as means to possess a thing, it can never compensate for the sense of loss.

  1. Does the lost ball stand as a metaphor for the boy’s lost childhood? How?

  • In the poem,  The Ball Poem, the lost ball is a symbol for lost childhood because it depicts innocence, attachment and something which if gone never returns back. The poet believes that childhood and its innocence cannot be bought with money. It is something that a person often thinks of and becomes sad.

Animals- Question-answers

ANIMALS WORD NOTES Placid - Calm Sweat and whine - Complain pitifully Demented - Behaving in a crazy way, mad Evince - Reveal the presence o...